Here we will list some of the popular workout programs, categorized in terms of beginner, intermediate and expert. It is advised to follow closely to a good workout program because they have been proven to work by many bodybuilders.


  • Stronglifts
    • This routine has been used by thousands of people to build muscle and lose weight. It is recommended to starters to gain strength while familiarizing with the big lifts. Very comprehensive guide provided in their main website.
    • 3 different exercises to be performed each workout, 3 times per week.
    • 5 sets of 5 reps to be done per exercise.
    • Weight increment by 2.5kg per session.
  • Starting Strength
    • Less information are provided in their main website, thus the link provided for this workout is to a guide in a forum. You are required to buy the book for the complete starting strength workout guide.
    • Consist of similar exercise similar to stronglifts with additional power cleans.
    • 3 different exercises to be performed each workout, 3 times per week.
    • 3 sets of 5 reps to be done per exercise.
  • Allpro beginner workout
  • Icecreamfitness 5x5
  • Greyskull LP


  • Layne Norton Power/hypertrophy routine
  • Coolcicada Push pull leg routine
  • Lyle McDonald General Bulking routine
  • 5/3/1


  • German Volume Training
  • Doggcrapp training
  • Hypertrophy Specific Training (HST)